vendredi 24 octobre 2008

Design de Perso Cartoon (suite)

New sketches done for the same project. The due date is next monday so i'll post the cleans this weekend.

samedi 18 octobre 2008

Animation Perso regarde

First animation of the semester.
The character hears a bird and looks up to the sky.

Animation Oiseau

Bird flying.

Animation Perso fuit

Second animation done this semester. I didn't have the the to draw the face elements (eyes, nose, mouth, etc) so it's missing. This animation is the suite of the first one in which my character hears a bird sing and looks up to the sky looking for the bird.

In this animation, my character gets up, looks closer at the bird, hears a bear growling, reacts and then runs.

Design de Perso Cartoon

Sketches done for my character design class. I'm supposed to create a new character for the movie Nocturna.